

If you are retired, you understand how lucky we are, and, it was damned hard work.

We enjoy many hobbies: travel, nature, hikes, kayaks, and epicure,

We pull our trailer as often as possible from short trips around Texas, especially the wonderful state parks, to longer ones outside of the state. This year we visited the Great Smoky Mountains NP. Last summer we visited and hiked Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP, Custer State Park (got caught in a tornado just outside of Custer, South Dakota), Badlands NP, and Theodore Roosevelt NP in North Dakota. Summer before we looped around Utah’s Mighty 5 for a few weeks. A few summers back we pulled up to Glacier NP. Along the way we stopped a few days each at Rocky Mountain NP and Yellowstone.

Becky is a certified Master Gardener as of 2019. I became certified in 2022. I am a certified Texas Master Naturalist as well. Both of us meet the certification requirements annually. Check out the website for which I am webmaster.

Again, we welcome you to our village. May the wonder of life’s adventures always be with you.
